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Tom Sutton

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Posts posted by Tom Sutton

  1. This sounds like a coronavirus 19 restriction and not fire safety which is what this forum is about.As far as fire safety is concerned it would depend on the size, layout and how effective the means of escape was.

  2. When doing such calculations you need to take into account all the factors, direction of door opening, occupancy factor, travel distance, occupancy and location when considering a means of escape scheme. The limit of sixty person will depend on the direction of opening of the door and the discounting of the largest door width will apply when you have more then one door, because it could be unavailable, due to a fire. If you only have one door and that is unavailable due to fire then you have serious problems.

  3. When doing such calculations you need to take into account all the factors, direction of door opening, occupancy factor, travel distance, occupancy and location when considering a means of escape scheme. The limit of sixty person will depend on the direction of opening of the door and the discounting of the largest door width will apply when you have more then one door, because it could be unavailable, due to a fire. If you only have one door and that is unavailable due to fire then you have serious problems.

  4. Very rarely will a guide recommend a specific sign for a situation, they usually provide options and rely on the common sense of the user to decide the best option. With a refuge the first thing would be to let everybody know the purpose of the space, they have just entered. If it has communication point, then its purpose and how to use it. A fire procedure notice to instruct the disabled person what actions they need to take and any other notices that may be useful.

    Check out the web to see what disabled refuge signs are available.

  5. How long is a piece of string I think you will have to investigate to find out. An old domestic smoke alarm could cause the beeping, but for a year i think that would be unlikely and I have no idea about the ringing. Have you checked all cupboards and such for a forgotten smoke detector or co detector.

  6. I would stick to the lacors guidance, front doors to be FD30s fire doors, upgraded or replaced and a grade A in the common areas with a heat detector in the hallway of each flat. Each flat owner should be advised to provide a grade D system in each flat, not interlinked. The alternative fire escape route would be a bonus but not used as a compensatory factor for the principle means of escape.

  7. You need to check the fire risk assessment that will tell you if emergency lighting is required.

    Assuming the building is not a place of public entertainment which usually requires maintained  illuminated exit signs they are not required in non maintained systems providing any fixed exit signs are well illuminated by the emergency lighting.

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