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Concealed door closer installation

Mr Burns

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Hi all,

I need some help please,

can a fire door have a lip cut at the top of the door for the instalation of a concealed door closer so as the arm does not bind on the door?The closer part is fitted to the underside of the door frame and arm is fixed to the top of the door, i hope this makes sence



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This type of self-closing device is installed into  mortice holes in the top edge of the door leaf and door frame head.  The arm is connected at the device and at the door frame head. The top edge of the door is partially scalloped to accommodate the arm.

It is important to understand that only specific timber-based fire doors are suitable for this type of self closer, they must have evidence of fire resistance performance when fitted with the particular self-closing device.

Furthermore, certain additional works will likely be required such as thicker hardwood lipping at the door leaf top edge, increased thickness of the door frame head and the use of intumescent gaskets to line the mortice work.  Where the door must restrict the spread of cold smoke it will be necessary to ensure that the smoke seal continues past the device.  The device should always come with installation instructions and documentary evidence of fire performance.

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