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Suitable fire door closer used with anti-slam features

Guest Adrian Owens

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Guest Adrian Owens

I wonder if anyone has come across this problem before.  A supported living scheme is to provide a home for one young man with very high support needs.  There will always be 3 staff to one resident.  Apparently standard self-closers cannot be used on the fire doors because of tampering risk from resident.  I suggested Perko or Perkomatic be considered but the joiners have responded as follows:

"We have looked into various options for the door closures at Sandford lane which also include the standard Perkos and Perkomatics but we cant see how these are going to work with the anti-slam mechanism installed to the heads of the doors. These would be working against each other and we can see issues with either of them working if the door closures are to be fitted. I also think that the service user will struggle with the Perkos fitted and could see potential injury to himself if we use these." 

Any ideas for a solution please?

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Hi Adrian, not sure if have understood the full picture. However, if you are looking for a concealed fire door closer that offers protection from the user being trapped by the fire door, I could recommend the Powermatic from Perko. This fire door closer is concealed but more importantly is a free-swing door closer which allows the fire door to operate like an ordinary, closer-free door. When the fire alarm system trigger the fire door is of course shut automatically. 


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