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Kitchen suppression systems / open servery


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Hi, we have a quick question regarding a new restaurant we are managing for a client.  fairly small with each floor level approximately 250-300sqm.

Ground and basement only.  Mixed purpose groups above (offices and some flats higher up).

Kitchen is at rear of ground floor.  Client wants open servery.

Basement is served with single stairway only.  Once at the top of stairs, customers have to head towards front entrance / exit doorway which leads to high street.  Distance from top of stairway and the wall / door / servery to kitchen will be approximately 3-4m.

Looking at L2 fire alarm systems.

Glass smoke vents to basement at pavement level.

  • Looking at fitting FD60s at base of stair.   Is this okay?  Our thoughts were that a door at top of stair may cause falls / trips in a panic situation.  Also, having mag-holder with possible 20-sec delay to allow occupants in basement time to get through doorway before it closes?  
  • Does the kitchen on ground floor need to be fully enclosed behind 30-mins materials including door, and should there be automatic  fire shutter on the servery?
  • Would a kitchen suppression mean that the kitchen doesn't need to have fire resistance at all?  

Any guidance always appreciated!  We have looked at HM guidance books for offices / shops (this was closest to restaurant we could find?) and also ADB/BS9999.

Thanks as always.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The HM guidance books for offices / shops is for fire risk assessment not building regulations approval, stick with ADB/BS9999 one or the other and of course your own fire safety knowledge as its you who have surveyed the premises.

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