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Diverting an escape route through a cabin - legal?

Guest Kate

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we have a cabin inside a warehouse near a fire door. we are planning to put a wall up and an extra door in the cabin, so customers can walk straight in through the fire door into the cabin without being able to go in the warehouse. 

there are 2 other fire exits in teh warehouse and a roller shutter door at the front. 

Attached are some before & after plans...

We would basically be diverting the fire escape route for the warehouse through the cabin. 

But not sure if this is legal? 

Be glad of any advice. 



the plan.JPG

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  • 3 weeks later...

Given the availability of two other exits, I would agree with Tom. However, I would formally risk-assess the situation and record as an addendum to the FRA. Further, it could be construed as a matter that would require LABC approval through Building Control. An application in that direction, even if it is a regularisation, may be prudent.

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