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Emergency Lighting in Schools

Mark Wagstaff

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Good afternoon,


Could you kindly assist with the following concerns that we have:


We have employed the services of a lighting company to replace a large quantity of our old fluorescent lighting with modern LED fittings across several of our clients’ schools. Some of the light fittings are combined/emergency type fittings (mainly suspended ceiling mounted LED panel type luminaires). The project is nearing completion and we have requested the electrical test certificates for the work. The contractor has replied that they do not normally provide test certificates for swapping fittings on a point for point basis, emergency lighting certification is not necessary as the schools are to simply continue with their regular weekly/monthly/annual testing regimes! How do we know that in the event of an emergency / power failure that the new lights will stay illuminated on battery mode for the 3 hours required by the wiring regulations BS7671 without an emergency lighting certificate? The contractor is also claiming that as they have not altered the wiring to the circuit supplying the new light fittings then they do not have to provide any certification. Surely this cannot be right? We have never been in a situation where a contractor has refused to provide test certification for newly installed light fiitings before.


Could you please advise and assist with this troubling matter.

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Did you have the circuit tested prior to the start of the works, if there was a fault who would be responsible?

If the works were just to replace the fittings, what do you need a test certificate for? Would you expect the system to be certified if you changed a single fitting? 

As for the discharge test, I would just continue this as normal.

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Are there additional EL fittings from what was there before?

They don't have to use a minor works certificate but the safety declaration, installation details, and the inspection and test results recorded on the client’s documentation should be no less comprehensive than would be included on the MEIWC

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