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Smoke seal or not?

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I am not 100% sure if the fire doors, for typical services cupboards in residential blocks of flats (or other buildings) are required to be FD30S or FD30. Approved document B, I believe, is still quite confusing on the subject and I cannot find clear guidance in the other fire safety guides. I have carried out and reviewed numerous FRA's over the last 15 years and I see no consistency in new or older buildings. 

My question therefore is: Are fire doors for services cupboards in common part means of escape required to be fitted with combined intumescent strips and cold smoke seals or just intumescent strips?

All incites gratefully received. 


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If the cupboard opens onto a protected escape route the door should provide for restricted spread of cold smoke eg. FD30(s) (section 62.12 of Fire Safety in Purpose Built Blocks of Flats at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1020410/Fire_Safety_in_Purpose_Built_Blocks_of_Flats_Guide.pdf )

From Approved Document B, Appendix C image.png.d124c0facf89afc50babbd605c2568de.png


So if the fire door to a cupboard opens onto a protected escape corridor or stair, the door should provide for restricted spread of cold smoke eg. FD30(s)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Many thanks Neil,

I have been trying to pin this down for a while now and having your input finally made it make sense. In fact, it is obvious now, but I didn't see the wood for the trees!

On the same subject, do you know the year that strips and seals were first required in the building reg's, I am thinking it would have been the 1985 regs? 

Your help is much appreciated,


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