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Fire Risk Assessments during the COVID outbreak

Guest Guest1957

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Guest Guest1957

So, I understand the need for fire risk assessments under the RRO, and previously under the Workplace Regulations, but this is unprecedented times!

I undertake FRAs as a sub-contractor, and the company I primarily work for is insisting this is covered under 'essential work' during the coronavirus outbreak, but I don't necessarily agree.

If the premises (i.e. all premises were the RRO applies) does not have a FRA, it's no longer valid or there have been significant changes, affecting fire safety, then a FRA must be carried out - no question.

However, if a FRA has been completed and is still 'valid', is it necessary to complete a review/new FRA for that premises?

I'd be interested in your thoughts?

Thank you

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Unlike earlier in the year there is no essential work only lockdown in England. Only specified sectors are forcibly closed and the others are expected to work, the only requirement being that where the job can be done from home it is.

Covid does not stop fires occurring and whilst some RP's have postponed FRAs because of the reasons you cite others are keeping going with their program. Many are having to revise their FRA because of the Covid situation due to significant changes in the risk in the premises and the persons at risk resulting from measures to be COVID secure.

If the premises are due a review, it should continue. If not then why would they do it even if there wasn't Covid?

If you are in the ultra high risk group then there is a case for you not working and being able to claim the resultant benefits or seeing if you can be furloughed, if not then the contractual requirement to work (if there is work to be done) remains. 

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