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Guest Peter Lansdown

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Guest Peter Lansdown

I own a Georgian double fronted town house.  Either side of the hall are two shops.  At the back are two further rooms which I would like to let as a third shop.

The stairs rise half way down the hall, protected by two fire doors, one before and one past the stairs, fire escape routes run via the hall passage to the front and back doors.

Nice wide staircase, Upstairs are 4 offices with separate businesses, max occupancy expected upstairs at any one time 16.

The problem:  to access the proposed third shop will require customers to negotiate the two fire doors at the bottom of the stairs.

I would like to remove the first fire door, exposing the staircase and its Georgian majesty to the public and possibly to greater fire risk.

Is it legal to do?  Is it safe to do?  What extra precautions should I consider?

 All rooms have fire alarms.  there is no sprinkler system.  

There is no second staircase.  A fire escape could be built leading to the back garden but from the window at the top of the stairs.

Your ideas please!


Many thanks



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You will be likely to be subject to Building Regulations and so your proposals and plans should go to Local Authority Building Control who will advise what you must do.

In any case you need a Fire Risk Assessment.

If you could upload a sketch plan of the layout I can give some pointers.

Guidance sources: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/422175/9449_Offices_and_Shops_v2.pdf


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