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Fire Safety Advice Temp/Perminent Hostel facility in warehouse with pod sleeping units.

Guest Willone

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Guest Willone

The unit within a building being a multi occupied commercial building ground first and second built on an incline with one elevation at ground level having an entrance/exit into the second floor,  there's a vaulted steel trusted 3.5 m high roof, there are currently two independent enclosed MOE discharging from the second floor, providing escape for the occupiers below discharging out in to an ultimate place of safety, total 2nd floor area 2090m2

The second floor is the area to be used to provide sleeping for homeless persons due to the premises they occupying as dorms not meeting the government's requirements for social distancing.

The open warehouse will be fitted out with 12 individual pods purpose built for the leisure industry (normally be situated outside) the area will include toilets shower blocks and office accommodation. Its anticipated the number of pods will be increased to 50, to satisfy the social distancing the units will be positioned 2m apart.

The facility will be staffed 24/7.

The facility needs to be up and running asap as an emergency looking for anyone's thoughts will it be a case as a starter of applying ADB PPG 2b and design the MOE in accordance with pg.12 Sc2 2.5  and table 2.1 2b 18 single - 35 m in two  (obviously we will consider all other aspects FA, E/E Lighting evac strat etc).

Thanks all advice appreciated or even better as anyone done similar and what dispensations have they applied during the current situation of COVD-19.


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Thanks Fully aware of that point I was interested to see how others would approach the fact the building was designed as multi occ warehouse and the owners want to provide the area rent free due to there existing premises not meeting the governments social distancing etc   introducing the sleeping risk on the second floor as described individual pods.

Thanks anyway

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I can't go into much detail as I've not seen the place and I'm not doing your FRA. If you are saying is it possible, then yes, there is no reason why not. The existing layout and provisions for fire detection & warning, lighting, escape, etc will impact how much extra work is required - if the existing premises already had a high level of provision beyond the statutory minimum for the type you may find that you may not have as much physical additions as you might expect and that procedural and management matters are the main areas of concern.


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