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Fire Risk Assessment Query

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I live in a block of nine owner occupied flats and the building is self managed by the owners.

In relation to a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) of the building, please can someone let me know:

Does the FRA only involve the communal areas of the building, or will each individual flat need to be inspected?

Does the FRA require a Gas Safety Certificate for each flat and/or a Domestic Electrical Installation Condition Report to be prepared?

How long is a FRA valid for?

Many thanks,


Roy Taylor

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A Fire Risk Assessment only covers the communal areas* as only these are covered by the Fire Safety Order. However as part of this flat front doors are in the scope of the FRA as these are vital to protect the common parts in the event of a fire in a flat, which is the most likely scenario (the fatal conditions on the landings and stairs at Grenfell Tower were largely down to unsatisfactory flat front doors) and any competent residential risk assessor would ask in advance if a sample of the flats could be visited just to look at the front door from both sides.

Gas & electrical paperwork for the flats is outside the scope of the basic FRA, but is for common parts.

An FRA is valid until there is a significant change in the property, usage, persons at risk but should be regularly reviewed to identify if there are any changes (which is not the same as having a full FRA and need not be done by the external assessor). It is often suggested review is annually. 



* FRAs with wider scope do exist for residential properties and are needed in certain circumstances but the basic requirement is as stated.

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