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Travel Distances

Guest sheffieldmountaineer

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Guest sheffieldmountaineer


Looking for a little bit of advice regarding travel distances.

I have always used the DCLG Guides for management of fire safety, however I recently attended a course that was based around BS 9999.

I am aware of maximum travel distances, however the course discussed travel distances within a room (i.e. Normal Risk with travel in more than one direction = max 25m, storey exit max = 45m, leaving you 20m from once outside the room), however I cannot seem to reference this to BS 9999 nor the DCLG guides nor ADB.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance


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BS9999 is an architect's/designers standard as an alternative to the Guidance in Approved Document B for new buildings or refurbishments of existing buildings. It is not a risk assessment guide for existing premises, unless that premises meets all parts of the guide - you can't just cherry pick the travel distances.

Sounds like an example of initial dead end (be it room or corridor) where you can only travel in one direction and need to reach either a storey exit or part of the route where you can split in two directions before the single escape distance limits are exceeded.

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