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Escape through shared balcony in maisonette

Guest Luca

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Guest Luca

Hi everyone

new here... I have found the forum looking for a solution to my issue, I hope someone here can help.

I am renovating my own house: ex-council block with maisonette dwellings on two floors. Entrance and living area on the top floor, bedrooms downstairs.

The secondary escape route from downstairs is through a glass door to a shared balcony and entering the neighbour's house through his glass door, eventually breaking the glass: there is a sign on the outside of both doors saying "fire exit: break the glass in case of fire"

Being an old building all windows as well as those doors are single glazed. I am in the process to install double glazing to all windows. 

My question is: can I install double glazing to this fire escape door? Would that be allowed to break through a DGU?

Thank you in advance

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I know double glazed units are difficult to break but there is a device called "Lifeaxe Emergency Hammer for Double-Glazing" which claims to solve the problem.

My concern is the means of escape scheme which I believe would not be accepted today in accordance with Approved Document B (fire Safety) vol 2 Premises other than Dwelling Houses. What you are proposing could be considered a material alteration, because you are making the MoE worse and this would involve building control regulations which would involve ADB. You need to speak to the local Building Control for their advice. 


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Guest Luca

Thank you very much for the quick turn around

I will approach Building Control and hope for the best. 

side question: what is ADB? (sorry I am new on the subject as I said)



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