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assembly point

Guest michael

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Guest michael


I am currently carrying out a fire rrisk assessment on a disabled carehome for the severely mentaly ill.

I havehowever come accross a problem & looking for advice

The issue is the assembly point there are 8 resident's they are moving into the newly refurbished premises , it is adjacent to a busy main rd there is only one member of staff on twilight shift who would not be able to control all occupants accross the rd alone.

But the only area they can muster is 8 mtrs from the building in the car park.

Is this sufficient distance ? I understand that this is to be a minimum of 16mtrs is thjs still correct?


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As far as I am aware there are not set distances and the RRO defines a place of safety as a “safe area beyond the premises”. This definition is intended to make it clear that an area from which no further escape can be made without re-entering the building is not to be regarded as a place of safety. An example given in the enforcement guidance is an internal courtyard enclosed by a building. BS 9999 notes that on completion of evacuation, all staff should be instructed to report to a previously determined assembly point or points, which “should be sufficiently far from the premises to avoid interference with the fire and rescue service or danger from falling debris”. It has been recommended 1 1/2 times the building height because of falling debris and or structural collapse can exceed the buildings height. This also removes them from the hazard area for operating Emergency service personnel. However there are many considerations check out https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Assembly-Point-Location-Can-Anyone-76233.S.59139743

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