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Nuiseance alarm Ei141 - needs replacing?


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I have 7 x Ei141 and 1 x Ei144 in my home, the system was installed 9 years ago. I realise that it's coming up to the time to think about replacement.

A couple of days ago I had a nuisance alarm, one alarm was sounding for about 5-10 seconds. Later in the day it happened again and a couple of alarms were sounding. About 10 minutes after that it happened again and about 3 alarms were sounding, always about the same amount of time and stopping without me pressing the hush button.

As I am a senior citizen on my own, I phoned my son and he advised switch off at the fuse box, and because the batteries were only changed a few months ago then the alarms would be fine.

I know I will have to consider replacing the system soon, but my question is:

If the electricity is switched off and the system is working on batteries only at the moment, would the nuisance alarms still be happening? Or would the only happen if the electricity was on?

Just to clarify, since switching off at the fuse box and the alarms relying on battery only, there has been no further nuisance alarms. I have checked and the red light flashes every 40 seconds, just the green light is off.

Obviously I don't want to spend out a new system yet if it's not necessary, and it's a fault with the electrical wiring rather than the alarms.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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Hi Sue

There are occasions where alarms with inconsistent power supply (eg in buildings not connected to the mains network) might display faults. As could presumably a power supply interruption through lightning (and there was plenty over the last few days). Generally, however, the power should not be switched off, as this will drain the backup batteries and leads eventually to a low battery beep.

The standard approach to eliminating these sort of errors is to vacuum around the smoke alarms.

If nothing else helps you will need to replace the smoke alarms. There are replacement smoke alarms from the original manufacturer available which do not require an electrician.


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Thanks Harry.

I had discovered I could get replacement alarms, which is a bonus :) and that's what I intend to do and my son will be able to do the changeover for me.

There have been no interruptions to power supply as there haven't been the storms/lightning where I live, and I'm connected to the mains network.

I just wondered why I was getting nuisance alarms when the power was on but not when the alarms are just using batteries. Would that indicate the alarms need renewing?

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